I did something today that I didn’t think I would do again, or at least for a pretty long time.
I accepted an offer to work for someone else.
As of today, I have accepted a role in Business Development for Cape Networks.
When I started my company, Frontera Consulting, 5 years ago, it was so that I didn’t have to work for anyone else. The beauty is, I still don’t have to.
I want to.
Lemme explain…
Having followed what’s happening in the industry closely for so long, I realize (as I’m sure you do) that time and time again Wi-Fi and wireless networks get this terrible rap. No matter how many times its proven to not be the access points, the controller, or the config, everyone blames the wireless. Part of the problem is that there aren’t many options in the way of providing a decent way to replicate user problems to see what’s happening from the client’s perspective.
When I started looking into this a few years back, a name popped up that was not only doing it but doing it, in my opinion, way better than anything I had seen: Cape Networks. That continues today.
So when the opportunity arose to help spread the word about what was going on, I jumped at it. Some of you have already received calls from me talking about this long before this post, and I even put together a write-up of it a few months back.
Why Did I Make the Jump?
Because I honestly believe that it can help everyone who uses it.
From friends who have mission critical networks, to companies providing Wi-Fi in hotels, to Managed Service Providers trying to make sure their customers are constantly online, this product can help.
Over the past 20 years, I have built-up a network of people that rely on the wireless industry to put food on the tables of their families. I think this product can help do that. Right now I am lucky enough to be in a position that I can help spread the word about this and help this company get to the people that can use it the most.
What About the VAR?
Frontera Consulting will continue to operate as one of the premiere VARs in South Texas with the team of experienced, trusted, and dedicated individuals.
As for my other project, the Wi-Fi Stand .. well, Wix is awesome, so it’s gonna keep on keeping on.
What Can I do to Help?
Give me a chance to show you what this thing can do. That’s all that I ask. If it fits, awesome. If it doesn’t, tell me what it needs to do to meet your needs.
You can’t be a super hero without a Cape! — drew@capenetworks.com
Originally published on Blogger